Sunday, February 20, 2011

Firsten post

So hey, this is the first post of  a blog I have finally decided to start up. Yay.

Well, this is another one of those horrid nerd blogs. You know the type, filled with miniatures, role playing games, maybe some wargames, and other wonderful things like that. In fact, most of the posts in here will probably revolve around miniatures (conversions, from scratch sculpts, and random other bits), and settings I work on (for RPGs and possible some kind of wargame).

Might also reference and talk about Warcraft 3 and some other video games I play, but more likely War 3, as I modded for it and still do extensively. Also still quite love it.

Should probably say a little about me as well...

Well, my name is Cavin, but you all can call me Cavman or Cav. As of writing this I am twenty one years of age, and have been playing with pen and paper role playing games and miniatures for about five or so years. Was introduced to gaming from my cousin back in high school, and by proxy miniatures. Been playing and collecting ever since. Games I have played and continue to do so regularly are 3.5 and 4e Dungeons and Dragons, Palladium RIFTS, and Cyberpunk 2020. Always looking for more games too, and trying to get in on a game of Shadowrun or Deadlands at my local comic shop. Also not adverse to wargames, but don't normally have the time or patience to invest in one. Have a half built Ork army for 40k that I played through a few times, and have read the rules over for some other systems, like Hordes of the Things.

Oh, should also mention. The name of this blog comes from the name of one of my settings I work on, a high fantasy one that I am currently just calling "Broken Kingdoms", due to an area in it being called that. I'll probably ramble on a lot about it, but it being set up for Pathfinder, the rambling will come with some juicy stat blocks and pictures/ideas for converting up miniatures. Maybe even army lists if I get bored and wargamey enough. Or drunk.

So yeah, welcome to my blog. Hope you enjoy yourself here once I get some more, proper, posts up. :D

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