Sunday, March 6, 2011

ECComiCon 2011

Home. Tired. Will write up a proper blog post tomorrow or the day after...


Finally got around to posting this, my little run down and review of Emerald City Comicon, 2011. I'll go in day format, talking about each day I was there.

Day 1, Friday:
Day I left for Seattle from my podunk little town. Was off to a rough start from the get go, as my water heater was shut off for some unexplainable reason. Turned it back on, but wouldn't stay on. Took an ice cold shower, then left with all my stuff I packed. Driving to Seattle was actually really good, very little traffic and made excellent time. Went straight to my motel, Travel Lodge Inn, just north of downtown. After getting settled into it, I went back down to the convention center. Wasn't much going on Friday, but picked up my badge and picked out a  few interesting things to see the next day. Went back and slept.

Day 2, Saturday:
Did not sleep well, as I hadn't reset my sleep schedule before. Took a Five hour and headed to the con though. Got there about 8 am, so not much was happening. Wandered around, talked to some people, at some Soy Joy, and waited in the skybridge. Not for the exhibition hall to open up, as I knew that would be crowded, but just to doodle up some faces.

After a while of that and poking around the exhibition hall proper, I headed off to room 3AB. The day before I had spoken with some booths over near registration that were gonna show off some stuff in here. One guy in particular was gonna show his movie at 3 pm, and I was interested in that. I went over to the room at about 1 though, cause there was another thing showing first. This, was Damsels of Dorkington, a improve comedy group featuring three attractive women in corsets and one straight man (I mean that in the comedic sense). In theory, this sounded quite entertaining. I am sad to say that at least for me, it wasn't so much in practice. I am sure there are some that loved it, but to me it wasn't quite there. Might have also been the hecklers that were peppered in the crowd, specifically right behind me. Either way, it ended and we moved on. Too their credit, they did perform in front of a relatively large crowd, to begin with, and I did end up speaking with them the next day and enjoying their company.

After this though, was what I was really there to watch. Dungeon Crawl. A 'Dungeons and Dragons' styled movie that has been compared to the rather well known Gamers series. I went in, seeing only the picture on the flyer, and knowing what I know about good old DnD and Gamers. Needless to say, I quite enjoyed it, a lot. The humor was something I quite liked, such as when they mentioned the party of three bards and one barbarian. Also sat next to some fun people during the movie, and cracked a few jokes between each other, such as the Red Dragon's Lair. After talking to the guy that made the movie for a bit, ended up wandering the con for a bit more, and getting some loot and swag, before heading back to my motel some time around 6ish. Also got a picture of me doodled for the price of a soy joy.

Day 3, Sunday:
Slept better this night, thanks to some good old Jack. Checked out, packed everything up, and headed back to the con nice and early again. As with last time, exhibition hall wasn't open yet, and even still very few people were there compared to Saturday. Wandered around for a bit and ended up finding the creator of Dungeon Crawl, and I kid you not, his name is John Johnstone, at his booth. So I decided to shoot the shit with him for a few hours. Was fun, did quite like the guy. Talked about a bunch of things, comics, movies, Saskatchewan, etc. Eventually though, people started to show up, and I headed off to let him try and convince some people to buy his stuff. I wandered around the exhibition hall for a bit, and came across a hard back anthology of one of the comics we talked about not to long ago, Beasts of Burden. Needless to say, I bought it, and have read it through, quite enjoying it.

After a while, when everything seemed to start to slow down again, I headed back to his booth to show off what I found. When I got there, the Damsels had set up their booth again, which was right next to his, and they were talking with each other. I popped in on the conversation, showed off my new copy of the book, and we continued to talk about things, including serial killers and Top Gear. Eventually I was evicted of my seat as none other than Oxhorn showed up. Had noticed before that he was on the booth on the other side of John's, but was pleasantly surprised to meet him. After that though I headed back out into the con proper, and messed about for a bit more, before heading back home. Traffic wasn't too bad, but worse than when I came up, and I spent an hour or two visiting a friend in Tacoma, whom if they are reading this GET OUT MORE KRISTA JEEZ!

Over all it was a fun con, got lots of swag, like some DnD Minis, some Battle Tech minis, Beasts of Burden, a Spawn Toy, and some stuff from Wondermark, Brandon Bird, and Biff. Wasn't such a pleasant home coming though, as it turned out my water heater wouldn't turn on cause it was burnt out. Had to get the thing replaced, which was a hassle, even more so after the entire weekend of being at comicon.

Would I do it again? yes.
Also, bitches please bring your pokewalkers! I was like the only person aside from one other gal that had one on me. D:<

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